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A Message from Pastor Jack

These groups will consist of small, intimate home fellowship groups, which promise to be a great source of fellowship and personal growth. I am blessed to say that the CCCH Small Group concept has been born out of the desire to bring life to our Sunday morning & Wednesday evening teachings through the home fellowship setting.

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Current Group Curriculum:

Understanding and Exercising Your Spiritual Gifts

Our Spring Small Group study on the spiritual gifts was handcrafted and taught by our pastors here at CCCH. For this season, we will invest 10 weeks discovering what the Bible has to say about the Spiritual Gifts, helping people understand what their gifts are, and how they can use them to serve God in community with others.

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Understanding & Exercising Your Spiritual Gifts

Sign Ups Open 2.14.2025

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Small Groups FAQ

Why are groups so important?

…Better is a neighbor nearby than a brother far away. (Proverbs 27:10b)

I am very excited to introduce to you CCCH Small Groups. These groups will consist of small, intimate home fellowship groups, which promise to be a great source of fellowship and personal growth. I am blessed to say that the CCCH Small Group concept has been born out of the desire to bring life to our Sunday morning & Wednesday evening teachings through the home fellowship setting. They will be an effective tool that will cause the weekly teachings of God’s Word to become more active in our daily lives. As CCCH Small Groups are established here at Calvary, it is my desire that a deep sense of unity, fellowship, and a deeper growth in the Lord results.

Let me share with you a little what the CCCH Small Group is and what it is not. CCCH Small Groups are what the Lord has made so clear for us to do as a church, to better prepare us for the world that is ahead, regarding the church. First of all, by attending CCCH Small Groups, we will be taking the Sunday morning or Wednesday evening messages and causing them to become more of a working, living, breathing reality in our Christian growth. This will be done by the careful review, meditation and interaction with the CCCH Small Group outline that will be provided to each facilitator, prior to each Sunday evening’s gathering.

It is vital that you understand that we are not looking for anyone to re-teach or rework the message but rather to revisit and represent what was given out in the Sunday morning or Wednesday evening message. Our commitment, to embedding the messages, requires us to create and maintain certain guidelines that will help protect and secure the intimacy of the CCCH Small Group.

One of the guidelines, that I would like to mention now, is the requirement of the group size. Much research and study has gone into the optimum number of people for a small group setting. Research shows that the best number of people ranges from 10 to 15. When the number grows outside that, intimacy is lost as you depart from the smaller setting. It is interesting to note that Jesus established His church with the median number of that range, being 12. It is also interesting to realize that throughout the Old Testament period, and during the early New Testament period, that it took 10 people to establish a synagogue. This grew out of the original Passover, in Egypt, where the minimum number of people to be gathered together was 10. Thus, the CCCH Small Group will be a wonderful insurance for us, as a church corporately, no matter how large Calvary Chapel may grow. So then to maintain this intimacy, we need your full cooperation and adherence to a maximum number of 15. The CCCH Small Groups will be strictly managed by neighborhoods via zip codes. As much as, someone in Pasadena may want to attend their friends’ CCCH Small Groups in Temecula, that commute from Pasadena to Temecula is exactly what we do not want to see happen.

Simply put, CCCH Small Groups are to take those that live the closest to you, who attend this church, and create a community that now provides the safety, the comfort, and the opportunity to know those of like faith. I think that should persecution, crises, or difficulties arise in the days ahead, we, as a church, will already have in place a fellowship of believers close by. They will be able to minister to one another, because they have become unified around the Sunday messages, by fellowshipping personally with one another. CCCH Small Groups is not intended, nor is the vision from the Lord, directed toward the creation of churches, but rather to strengthen the foundation of our home church.

We are also excited that this very ministry opens the door of opportunity for many people to be involved, by being facilitators without having to be concerned with teaching skills, callings, or any other abilities that would minimize CCCH Small Groups success.

Should any questions, concerns, or comments arise I would direct you toward the overseer of CCCH Small Groups by emailing

I look forward to the wonderful things that will come out of the CCCH Small Groups.

Awaiting His Return,

Pastor Jack

What types of groups are available?

Local small groups – CCCH Small Groups are to take those that live the closest to you, who attend this church, and create a community that now provides the safety, the comfort, and the opportunity to know those of like faith. We do not segregate our groups by men’s/women’s/single or married. Our groups are all co-ed. 

Home Away – The Home Away Ministry exists to support those that use Pastor Jack’s teaching in local fellowships around the world. Some are meeting in their living rooms, basements, or garages, while others are in barns and various locations that God has made available to them – gathering much like the Early Church in the Book of Acts. Our aim is to help others grow local churches around sound doctrine – churches that engage the culture and actively love their neighbors. 

Will there be childcare?

We are sorry but childcare is not available.

*Minimum age to attend is 15 years old 

Why join a small group?

It is through being a part of a small group of believers that we have the best opportunity to grow in our  personal walk with our Lord and Savior, while cultivating deep and lasting friendships with other believers. Small Groups make a large church feel small. Simply put, CCCH Small Groups are to take those that live the closest to you, who attend this church, and create a community that now provides the safety, the comfort, and the opportunity to know those of like faith. We think that should persecution, crises, or difficulties arise in the days ahead, we, as a church, will already have in place a fellowship of believers close by. They will be able to minister to one another, because they have become unified around the Sunday & Wednesday messages, by fellowshipping personally with one another.

It is essential for our Christian walk that we come together as a family of believers, for fellowship, encouragement, support, and spiritual growth. Just as we all have many body parts that work together to make up a complete person, so also, though we are many individuals, together we make up one body in Christ (Romans 12:4-5).

When will Small Groups start?

Groups are hosted in the Spring and in the Fall. Listen to Sunday’s and social media for announcements!

How long is the small group commitment?

Our groups are generally 8 or 10 weeks and meet every week. We meet for about 2 hours. You can choose a group that meets on a day of the week that works best for you when you sign up. Our groups generally take a break during holidays and summers.

What can I expect at a Small Groups gathering?

Groups are a place where people have the opportunity to pursue authentic community and spiritual growth. When you join a group, you will spend time socializing, learning, and praying together. All you have to do is show up, join in, and be real.

Can I lead or facilitate a small group?

Yes! If you’re interested in starting or leading a CCCH Small Group in your home, just submit an interest form and a CCCH Small Groups staff member will get back to you soon. – Sorry, we don’t place facilitators in other people’s homes. We will train you to facilitate a group in your own home. You can do it!

What is the difference between Home Away and Small Groups?

Small Groups are made up of people that locally attend Calvary Chapel Chino Hills and are looking to connect with other attendees in their neighborhoods throughout Southern California. CCCH holds two small group sessions per year in the spring and fall. These typically are 8 – 10-week video Bible studies that include interactive discussions, such as The Truth Project, Behold Your GodI Changed My Mind, The God You May Not Know, and others. 

Home Away groups differ in that they are for people outside of the Chino Hills area (50+miles), and the teaching is based on CCCH’s weekly messages. Most groups include a time of fellowship before or after the service.

Have additional questions about Small Groups?

Phone | 909-393-7100

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