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Our doors are open!

Sundays: 8:00am, 10:30am, 1:00pm,

Children's Ministry: 8:00am, 10:30am, 1:00pm,

Jr. High & High School: 8:00am, 10:30am, 1:00pm,

Live ASL Interpreter: 10:30am,

Live Chinese Translation: 10:30am,

Live Spanish Translation: 10:30am, 1:00pm,

Wednesdays: 7:00pm,

*Children's, youth and all translation services available.

We are excited to continue moving forward as we welcome all those seeking hope and truth to join us for our in-person services. We will gather again this coming Sunday at our normal service times. The sanctuary has open seating and our courtyard and grass area provide socially distancing options. You can join us in the environment you are most comfortable in. Our children’s ministry and youth ministries will be meeting this Sunday! Please also join us Wednesday evenings at 7:00 pm.

We love you,

Pastor Jack Hibbs

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Our Regathering Process

It is our aim to do all we can to protect those who attend our church with common-sense measures to prevent the spread of all possible illnesses. Check out our detailed plan below to get answers to all your questions about coming back together.

See our plan. Click here.

Our  Philosophy

The decision to reopen our church doors was not taken lightly or rashly decided. This decision was birthed out of intensive prayer, fasting, and patience to hear God's voice. Watch Pastor Jack's video.

Pastor Jack's Video. Click here.

News & Media

Click below to view the latest video and articles regarding churches reopening. If you are a news outlet seeking an interview or access to the campus, please click below to fill out a form.

News & Media. Click here.

Church Resources

Real Impact has cataloged helpful information to keep up to speed with the latest COVID-19 news and resources from several churches for re-opening the church doors.

See the resources. Click here.


We have compiled a list of frequently asked questions to give you the most relevant info regarding our church reopening.

Read the FAQs. Click here.

To our government

We will do all we can to honor our local authorities while maintaining our obedience to God, His Word, and the leading of His Spirit. We believe the church is always more than essential to our communities and the world during this time.

Phone | 909-393-7100

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