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Being the Church Together – Wherever You Are

Sound Doctrine.

Local Community.

The Home Away ministry assists believers, outside of the Chino Hills area (50+ miles), that are seeking to gather in person around the study of God’s Word using ministry and teaching resources originating from Calvary Chapel Chino Hills.

Throughout the U.S., and around the world, there are groups that range from a few families livestreaming, to much larger gatherings of people meeting and ministering to their respective communities. These groups are meeting in living rooms, basements, garages, and even barns that God has made available to them – much like the Early Church in the Book of Acts.

Our aim is to help others grow local communities around sound doctrine; encouraging them to actively engage the culture and share God’s love with their neighbors.

If you’d like to learn more about the ministry, please read through the Frequently Asked Questions below. If you still have questions, please feel free to email us at We’re happy to help.

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Home Away FAQ

What is Home Away?

Home Away is a ministry of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills (CCCH). This ministry is a response to God’s refining of His Church. Due to the unrest and confusion in our country and around the world, many churches have closed, while others refuse to teach the whole counsel of God. Many people are searching for an in-person fellowship built around sound biblical doctrine.

To help people access solid biblical teaching and ministry resources, CCCH created Home Away. We desire to help others grow individually and corporately in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Home Away consists of gatherings of believers meeting in various locations throughout the U.S. These groups vary in size and location. They gather to live stream CCCH services Sunday mornings or mid-week in their homes. Many share a meal before or after the services and include a time for discussion and application of the message. 

Pastor Jack’s messages provide sound biblical teaching, while the Home Away hosts shepherd and care for their Home Away group. Other CCCH ministry resources can be made available to the hosts of these groups, such as evangelism training, how to form a cultural impact team, children’s ministry resources, and more.

What is the difference between Home Away and Small Groups?

Small Groups are made up of people that locally attend Calvary Chapel Chino Hills and are looking to connect with other attendees in their neighborhoods throughout Southern California. CCCH holds two small group sessions per year in the spring and fall. These typically are 8 – 10-week video Bible studies that include interactive discussions, such as The Truth Project, Behold Your God, I Changed My Mind, The God You May Not Know, and others. 

Home Away groups differ in that they are for people outside of the Chino Hills area (50+miles), and the teaching is based on CCCH’s weekly messages. Most groups include a time of fellowship before or after the service.

What are the requirements to host a Home Away fellowship group?

To ensure the safety of people being referred from Calvary Chapel Chino Hills, hosts are asked to submit an application and be subject to a background check to verify that there is doctrinal alignment between the church and the host; and that no history of dangerous behaviors is evident. Social media accounts are reviewed, and references are verified as part of the process. Home Away hosts are not Calvary Chapel Chino Hills employees, and there is no legal or ordination affiliation.

What can I do if there isn’t a Home Away location near me?

Please stay up to date with our webpage for new locations as the Lord directs. Calvary Chapel Chino Hills is not actively seeking to open Home Away locations. We aim to come alongside individuals who believe God is calling them to host and shepherd others using the spiritual gifts He has provided them. If you believe God is asking you to open your home in this way, please let us know.

Does Calvary Chapel Chino Hills have any plans to start satellite churches?

We do not believe that it fits the culture of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills to open “satellite churches” in the commonly accepted format that many other churches are using with warehouses, large screens, and campus pastors.

That said, if the Holy Spirit grows a Home Away group out of a home and into a larger location or invites them to start in a larger location, hosts are encouraged to evaluate the spiritual giftings of the individuals attending and form a leadership team to prayerfully consider how this can be done wisely and within what the attendees can support financially.

Will Calvary Chapel Chino Hills plant a church in my city?

With the recent growth of CCCH and the relatively few pastors and leaders available to minister to the needs of the body here in Chino Hills, it is not in the immediate plans to do any additional church plants in the short term.

We know the drought of good bible teachers and strong spiritual leaders. As the Holy Spirit moves and prepares leaders here and through ministries like Home Away, we will prayerfully consider how and when this might be possible.

Can you refer me to a local church in my area?

Finding a church that teaches sound doctrine is more and more difficult. Due to political correctness, unsound doctrine, compromise, and how many responded to Covid by closing their doors, it has become challenging to refer people to other churches, even ones we once had a relationship with. 

Therefore, we recommend that you visit the websites of churches you might like to visit and view a few sermons before you go. Listen to what they say and look for things they do not say.

In addition, church websites typically have a Statement of Faith you can review to make sure that you agree with their doctrine. Also, consider things missing from their statement, such as beliefs about biblical marriage or End Times. If you do not see an essential doctrine, ask them when you visit, or call and ask. You may also consider asking about their church’s response to BLM, the social gospel, political engagement, etc. 

When visiting a church, prayerfully consider visiting three or four times before deciding to make it your home church. No church will be perfect; however, being involved in a church body is essential. You can add to your weekly church attendance with more bible study on your own, with your family, or additional online studies. 

Our sincere hope is that you find a local fellowship where you can be involved and grow in your relationship with God.

As an alternate option, if you are unable to find a church, the Home Away ministry at the CCCH will do its best to help you find a local fellowship that uses Pastor Jack’s teachings.

If you prayerfully decide that you would like to start a local Home Away group in your area – we’d love to help you!

How are Home Away groups connected with Calvary Chapel Chino Hills?

CCCH’s role is advisory – to come alongside individuals who believe God is calling them to host and shepherd others using the spiritual giftings He has provided them. We seek to help Home Away hosts and groups access teaching and ministry resources that will help them grow in community and the grace and knowledge of God and His Word.

Home Away hosts are not Calvary Chapel Chino Hills employees, and there is no legal or ordination affiliation between Calvary Chapel Chino Hills and any Home Away group.

What can I expect if I join a Home Away group?

Home Away groups meet on Sundays or midweek, or both. They use Calvary Chapel Chino Hills teachings to learn about God, the Bible, and how to live out their faith. Most fellowship together before or after and often share a meal.

When and how often do they meet?
Most Home Away groups meet once per week, on a set day of the week, but some meet more frequently. It is up to the group host/leader to determine this at each location.

What are the requirements to join?
There are no membership or sign-up requirements to join a Home Away group. Attendees are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that honors the Lord and submit to the leadership of the local host(s).

How do we serve?
There are many opportunities to serve at each Home Away location. Please ask the host how you may best help the group. Share with them if you believe you have a specific spiritual gift that would benefit the fellowship.

What do they do for worship?
Most groups live-stream the worship portion of CCCH services along with the teaching. However, some groups provide their own worship.

What about tithes and offerings?
There are multiple ways participants can worship through tithing. Some accept tithes locally (when deemed appropriate by the Home Away group to be used to meet their group’s financial needs); some select a local ministry or a missionary to give to. If other arrangements are not made available, or a Home Away group (or individual attendee) prefers to do so, giving may be done through the [Give] tab on the website or by contacting CCCH 909.393.7100 and ask for the accounting dept.

Is there a Pastor that oversees the Home Away groups?
Pastor Jack Hibbs is the pastor and overseer for Home Away. Michael Hagberg ( handles the day-to-day administration and has been tasked to handle communications with the Home Away hosts/leaders.

Phone | 909-393-7100

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