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Vacation Bible School

Sign up to Serve

Get Involved in VBS

We’d love for you to be a part of our VBS 2024 Team. We’re looking for a team of people to join us, June 24th-28th, from 8:30am-12:00pm. This event is for 1st through 6th graders. If you have a child under 1st grade and you would like to serve, childcare is available while you serve.

  • If you are 18 and older, apply below under Adult Helper
  • If you are 7th grade to 17 years old, apply below under Youth Helper
  • If you would like to help with various projects leading up to VBS, apply under VBS Prep
How Can I Help?
VBS Kids

The Lost Jungle: Conquering this Wild World

Vacation Bible School is the last week of June and we would love to serve alongside you! This year we will be traveling through The Lost Jungle with the kids and teaching them how to conquer this wild world we live in. It’s such a privilege to share the Lord with thousands of children, so sign up today!

How Can I Help?

Important Dates

  • LAST DAY TO APPLY: Sunday, May 26th

  • LEADER’S TRAINING: Tuesday, June 18TH 7:00PM – 8:30PM


  • VBS DATES: Monday, June 24th – Friday, June 28th | 8:30AM – 12:00PM DAILY

Options to Get Involved

  • If you would like to help with various projects leading up to VBS, apply under VBS Prep.
  • If you are 18 and older, apply below under Adult Helper (CLOSED).
  • If you are 7th grade to 17 years old, apply below under Youth Helper (CLOSED).