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CA Fires – More Help Needed Now!

Samaritan's Purse needs more volunteers! They need 60 people per day to help with Disaster Relief.  If you can help, simply go to their website: SPVOLUNTEER.ORG or call 626-808-6653 Eaton Fire Response OR call 310-844-8603 Palisades Fire Response.  

    CA Fire Relief

    To give a financial gift directly to the CA Fire Relief, simply click the orange GIVE button in the top right corner, then click the orange GIVE NOW button, under Fund – go to the pulldown window and choose SoCal Fires 2025.

    Special Events

    Happening Now with Charlie Kirk

    Happening Now is back! Join us Wednesday, March 26, for 90 minutes of dialogue between Pastor Jack and Charlie Kirk as they break down what is happening right now in our country from a biblical worldview. Buckle up and get ready. We start right at 7PM!

      Pray for Israel

      Let’s join together in prayer for Israel! Place this bookmark in your Bible as a daily reminder to pray for God’s divine protection, healing of the injured and traumatized, and for the salvation of both Jews and Arabs in the land.

      Our Risen Savior – A Musical Celebration

      Come experience Our Risen Savior – A Musical Celebration. Enjoy uplifting and inspiring Easter music! This is the perfect event to invite family and friends as we celebrate the resurrection of our Savior. Friday March 21, 7PM & Saturday, March 22, 2PM.


        Join a Small Group

        Join us for a small group study near you. This 10-week study, Understanding and Exercising Your Spiritual Gifts, is taught by our very own CCCH pastors. Find a group here.

        Widows of Worth

        Plan to attend Widows of Worth on Friday, March 14, 6:30PM, Rm W203. Enjoy the fellowship of others who understand. You'll hear from Gina Pastore and Debi Rooney on Finding Meaning and Purpose in Your Pain. If needed, register for childcare.

        Young Couples’ Gathering

        Are you a young couple between the ages of 18-40, married in accordance with the biblical definition of marriage? Join us, Friday, March 14, 7PM, Rm W201, for a sweet time of fellowship and encouragement from Shadrach and Melissa Means. Register for childcare, if needed.

        Encore – Game Day & Dessert Potluck

        If you are over the age of 50+ (single or married), join us for a Game Day & Dessert Potluck, Saturday, March 15, 1PM, Rm W203. We will have board games and more! If you would like to, bring your favorite game (there will be games supplied) and bring a dessert if you'd like. Register today!

        Healing the Brokenhearted

        This is an intimate, confidential Bible study for adult women with lingering scars from sexual abuse. Learn how to apply the Bible to this emotional issue beginning Monday, March 17, 6:45PM. This is an in-person class, and space is limited. Register today.

        Not Alone – Breast Cancer Support

        Not Alone is a breast cancer support ministry where women can be encouraged and strengthened. As women face the fears of cancer, our desire is to help keep their eyes on Jesus. Join us Tuesday, March 18, 7PM, Rm E123.

          Size Up – Firefighter’s Fellowship

          Attention firefighters! Join us once a month as we challenge, equip, and encourage the heart and mind of the firefighter through the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit, fellowship, and the study of God’s Word. See you Wednesday, March 19, 9AM, Rm E223.

            BUDS – For Men Only

            Men, this month BUDS will meet on March 30, 4PM. Join us as we discuss topics related to Biblical masculinity. We start with teaching and then a time of Q&A. We ask that you be at least 18 years old to attend. See you March 30, 4PM, in the sanctuary.

              Encore – Riley’s Farm Trip

              If you are over the age of 50 (married, widowed, single, or divorced), join us Saturday, April 5, 11:30AM, at Riley's Farm. We will enjoy lunch and a few activities together. Space is limited. Register today!

              Encore – 50+ Fellowship

              If you are 50 or older, whether married, single, divorced, or widowed, join us each Tuesday, 10AM, Rm W201, for an interactive Bible study and fellowship. We hope to see you there!

                Encore – Camping Trip

                If you are over 50, married, divorced, single, or widowed, join us for our annual camping trip at Bonelli Bluffs RV Resort in San Dimas, May 1-4. Space is limited. Register today!

                Ignite – Singles’ Fellowship

                If you’re single and between the ages of 30-50, join us for a night of Bible study, prayer, fellowship, and meeting new friends! We meet every Friday of the month except on the second Friday. We hope to see you at 7PM, in Rm W201.

                  Youth & Children

                  VBS – Team Members Needed

                  Vacation Bible School is the last week of June and we would love to serve alongside you! This year at Candymania, kids will be able to unwrap the hope we have in Heaven. Explore the jobs available before, during, and after here. Sign up today!

                  Palm Sunday Children’s Choir

                  We would love your 1st-6th grade child to worship alongside our congregation in our Palm Sunday Children's Choir on April 13. All practices are mandatory and begin Wednesday, March 19. Space is limited. Register today!

                  Special Needs – Family Picnic

                  Join us Saturday, March 15, 11:30AM, in the Gym for our Annual Special Needs Family Picnic. All family and friends are welcome to join us for fun and fellowship. This is a free event! Register online today.

                  JH – Skate Express

                  Jr High students! Join us Monday, March 24, 6PM, for a fun night at Skate Express in Chino. We will be roller skating playing arcade games, hanging out, and eating pizza. Register today!

                  JH – Friday Night Hangout

                  Jr High students, join us Friday, April 11, 6:00PM, for Friday Night Hangout! This is a great opportunity to connect with one another while we play sports and other activities. No registration is required.

                  HS – Upper Room

                  High School students, our next Upper Room is on Friday, March 28, 6PM. This is a great opportunity to get to know one another and have a ton of fun with sports, games, time to hang out, and a short devo. We'll have pizza, chips. and drinks for $1 each.

                    Get Involved

                    Online Giving & Text to Give

                    Partner with us in God’s work! Let’s use the tools our great God generously provides; He faithfully multiplies our gifts. Click here to give now or simply TEXT: 855-984-4483, then ENTER: GIVECALVARYCCH and follow the prompts. It's that simple!

                    Life Sunday – Prayer & Resources

                    The fourth Sunday of each month is designated as Life Sunday. Visit the tables in the courtyard for info regarding Love Life, pregnancy resource centers, and more. Then, join us at 3:15PM, Rm W201, as we pray for the unborn. See you Sunday, March 23!

                      2024 Contribution Statements

                      Getting your contributions statement is easier than ever! It will be sent to your email we have on record by January 31, 2025. Be sure to check your spam folder, as well. Email questions to:

                      California March for Life

                      Join us in Sacramento March 31, for the California March for Life. This is a call to be a voice for the voiceless and stand up for the sanctity of life. Invite a friend as we walk around the capitol praying. More info here.


                      Abortion Changes You – Book Sale

                      Many women suffer a spiritual crisis following an abortion. Norma Murakami has written a 21-day devotional to bring hope, healing, grace, and forgiveness. Visit her and purchase the devotional in the courtyard on March 23.

                        This Week’s Real Life Program

                        None Life To Live For Now

                        Culture says you only live once, so live for pleasure. The Bible says that there is one life to live for now, but there is also a future life to consider. Find out how to make the most of your time here on earth as you prepare for your life to come in heaven!


                        Book of the Month

                        Born Crucified

                        By L. E. Maxwell

                        By relating the cross as essential to the life of the believer, Professor L.E. Maxwell simply and practically shows how an understanding of our identification with Christ in his death and resurrection can lead to life as it was meant to be lived. It is by living with a cross-centered perspective that we can have both victory over sin and power to serve God well.

                        Pregnant? Need Help? Need Healing?

                        Click here for a list of resources.

                          White Stone Ministry

                          Ministering to individuals and families who are affected by same-sex attractions. Call 909.393.4114 (all calls are strictly confidential), or send an email to

                          Please consider making a donation to White Stone Ministry so that we may continue to fulfill the vision of changing lives through Jesus Christ.

                            Phone | 909-393-7100

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